Lessons in Liberating Your Life Essence!
"God on a Leash" is a book I wrote about all the magnificent gifts and lessons my dog brought into my life.
"God on a Leash" is a book I wrote about all the magnificent gifts and lessons my dog brought into my life.
At God on a Leash, we are committed to liberating our life essence with heart-centered, open-minded, grounded human to dog relating.
One day while I was walking with my dog Scooby I was incredibly frustrated because he was acting all wily, disruptive and full of energy when I was wanting a calm relaxed vibe. In my frustration I was responding with more aggression and domination than I would like. After all, I made a promise to Life a while back not to pass on the dysfunctional relating I sometimes experienced growing up, where the ones who loved me the most were also the ones who hurt me the most. I had a loving family, but there are a handful of events that were a bit jarring to say the least. We had our fair share of dramas and traumas, where aggression, domination, and criticism were how people got their way.
I’ve always wanted to know what true love relating was and how to maintain boundaries without the use of aggression and/or domination. Then one day while walking with Scooby an intuition came. What if when I responded to my dog, I responding as if God was on the end of my leash; after all, dog spelled backwards is god. How would my demeanor, attitude, patience, and perception be different if everywhere I went, I had God on the end of my leash looking up at me, hearing my responses and feeling my energy? If it were God on the end of my leash I probably wouldn’t be acting so disrespectfully toward him. Of course, I think most of us intuitively know that God is looking up at us really, but we may not have integrated that fact fully yet.
And when I say God I don’t mean the one steeped in fear, full of judgements, based on reward and punishment, twisted up by man, sitting on a cloud. I mean the all-pervasive love intelligence of the Universe, Inexhaustible Pure Perfect Presence, Immaculate Love, Light and Life that I am, I AM that I AM, that you are, that we are, together as One. When I look in Scooby’s eyes this is what I see, a reminder of what is in my eyes, and all eyes, God/Spirit/Love, insert whatever word you like best, I’ve used “Life” throughout this text as a placeholder for God/Ultimate Love/Great Spirit. It’s a fun exercise to interchange these words throughout the text and notice how it might change the tone of the sentence.
It’s insights like this that inspired me to write about all the amazing gifts Scooby brought into my life. About a year before he died is when I first made the list of lessons here. Very easily about 20 lessons came out onto the page. I ended up adding and editing the list, but I was amazed at how easily the list poured out. I expounded on each of those lessons and teachings in the pages that follow, up to, during, and after his death. Every few days I would write about the lesson I was attracted to from the list in no particular order. Therefore you will see some overlap and redundancies in some of the lessons as that may have been what I was processing at the time. For example, after compiling the lessons I noticed a prevalent theme around outshining reward and punishment paradigms.
As the obviousness of Scooby’s death began to loom in the later years of his life, I wanted to prepare myself as best I could. I thought no better way to honor him, his teaching, and our life together than to integrate all the great lessons he brought into my life and continues to do even now in death.
Throughout my life I was often surprised with how differently people responded to my dog’s appearance. He was a golden colored staffordshire terrier, easily mistaken for a pit bull, and looked a bit like a muscular smaller version of Scooby Doo the cartoon character (even though I know Scooby Doo is a Great Dane). He could look very intimidating to some so using the name Scooby always seemed to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Most of the time I just called him Scoobs for short.
Some people saw an adorable, lovable sweetheart and ran right up to him and said hi. Others saw him standing there in the exact same way and saw a scary attack dog ready to eat them. Exact same dog, exact same demeanor, exact same situation, and two totally different interpretations and therefore two totally different responses from Scooby.
I’m not saying he was perfect and he never displayed aggression, he did. So have I over the years. I didn’t like that aggression when I received it as a child and I don’t like sharing that aggression as an adult either. Hence these lessons.
I couldn’t help but notice how his aggression reflected my own aggression. How I sometimes used aggression with him to get my way. I started to notice early on how Scooby was an outward manifestation of my inner animal. I couldn’t help but notice how I might use my energy or demeanor to intimidate or keep people at a distance. I was more conscious of these patterns as outward manifestation for me to see in my direct experience. I became more aware of how people would sometimes treat me different based on my appearance and also how I may have used my appearance in a purposeful way to intimidate as a protective defense mechanism.
This was one of my lessons throughout Scooby’s life; you can’t be responsible for what others see. Our only responsibility is our own mental and emotional data streams and that of your pets and no one else. Sometimes people express their right to judge a book by its cover, skin by its color, the breed of dog, or the will of a God. I’ve often seen how sometimes I can judge a book by its cover, make assumptions about another’s life, or jump to conclusions by the way someone looks or acts as well. So, I’ve taken these moments of judgment experienced from others as opportunities to be more open minded about others, their pains, and their Pure Perfect Purpose on display. Do I choose to see the Perfection/God/Life in others and myself or do I continue to perpetuate the outdated pattern that says others are separate, others are less important than I, others are too different, and I feel like I need to protect myself?
This is a great lesson in tending to my own vibration and the response I have to what arises in my awareness. We cannot control the emotions, fears or judgments that arise, but we can control our responsiveness to what arises through practice. Sometimes we instinctively react to what arises in our awareness, often due to traumas of the past and a subconscious protective mechanism that has been established since childhood.
This is one of the great teachings of having God on a leash. When I see others reacting to the appearance of God on my leash I can practice not judging them for their reaction and reacting toward them in return, but practice responding to my own feelings with the presence and power of pure love that is the basis and fundamental identity of who I am, who we all are, as God/Life. So much of the time we want others to change and desire to change them, but we do not have the power to do that. Our only responsibility is within ourselves to respond rather than react and honor each opportunity to empower ourselves with a moment of identifying as the love and grace of Life unchanged and unbiased by others.
I do this by practicing L.Y.L.E., which is an acronym for Liberate Your Life Essence, where I simply take a deep breath and practice a moment of open-eyed liberation meditation. Aware of our Life Essence liberating and shining as my life through and as me. The text that follows are examples of how I practice LYLE as taught by my sacred master teacher Scooby, aka God, aka Source, aka Life.
The best way we can help others when we see them judging us is not to judge them in return, but by lovingly holding space for the judge that arises within ourselves. By empowering ourselves not to judge what has arisen in our awareness, but instead support the one who is judging, we dissolve any discord. In this way we create a vibration of change that is unconsciously or sometimes consciously received by all others within our energy field. Here is true healing, the presence of Life within each of us spontaneously and magically recognizing and liberating itself, one experience at a time. Accomplished by responding with presence and space rather than an effort to try and change.
This may seem very counterintuitive to simply hold space and do no-thing in order to create change, but energetically this is the only way to experience change in the world. Of course, physical action must take place when the moment is right. We need to invoke physical change and acknowledge the sacred space we are as the pure presence of Life at the same time. When we see the change possible within ourselves, only then will we be able to see the change possible without, and truly be able to help others.
May I see the beauty within myself first and foremost, so that I may truly be able to see the beauty in others. May this text liberate, empower and bring total absolution to myself and all who read it.
Through the experiences with my dear friend Scoobs/God I learned how to love myself again. If you’ve forgotten how to love yourself may this book serve as a guide to love you the way back to home. So you can love yourself in the ways the ones from your past couldn’t, and truly heal yourself from the inside out. So you can remember how to be your own eternal source of love, support, and soothing kindness. May these teachings help us feel tethered, magically leashed, to our internal guidance system called Life, an ever-present, inexhaustible river of liberation and thriving freedom.
May this book and these words be in honor to my dear friend and soulmate Scooby, and all sacred teachers who have blessed my life and will come into my life to bless me in the future. I AM grateful for the Life I AM, wrapping us up in these amazing packages named Scooby and Lyle, and disguising ourselves as the Godliness we are in such fun, unique, and obvious ways. I am grateful for this fun game called Life I am in and live as. I am grateful for the magical and mysterious ways life has decided to show up as these characters named Lyle and Scooby.
May Life in each of us continually shine forth in more recognizable ways as we witness the most magnificent Life Essence Liberation Migration of our time, transforming all time, Beings and the Cosmos. As the cosmic ascended sacred master I am, Liberator of Life Essence, Keeper of the Sacred Flame of Liberation, may my own liberation be in honor of all those masters who came before me and liberated their own mastery. May my life serve as a blueprint for the liberation of all souls seeking the sacred flame of liberation. May it be, Graciously.
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